(1)语言成绩要求:研究生院除TOEFL IBT/PBT外,暂不接受IELTS/PTE替代TOEFL分数。TOEFL单项要求:写作20,听力15,阅读20,口语22。
(4)个人陈述(PS):The personal statement should include your reasons for undertaking graduate work and an explanation of your academic interests, including their relation to your undergraduate study and professional goals.(具体参照各个专业详情)
申请美国康奈尔大学研究生的条件? 研究生申请条件 要求: (1)语言成绩要求:研究生院除TOEFL IBT/PBT外,暂不接受IELTS/PTE替代TOEFL分数。TOEFL单项要求:写作20,听力15,阅读20,口语22。 (2)GMAT/GRE; (3)推荐信:2-3封,推荐人最好是带课教师;只可在线上传; (4)个人陈述(PS):The personal statement should include your reasons for undertaking graduate work and an explanation of your academic interests, including their relation to your undergraduate study and professional goals.(具体参照各个专业详情) (5)大学成绩单:递交学校认可的官方成绩单,中英文各一份; (6)申请费:$95; (7)在线申请
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