海伦兹维尔公立中学(Helensvale State High School)位于黄金海岸北端,建于1990年,学校充满活力,文化成就显著,机遇众多。拥有众多热情优秀的学生,这些学生又进一步强化了这一成就和机遇。专业员工和学校社区可帮助学生实现自己的愿望和梦想。
1. 2007 ABW Entrepreneur of the Year
2. Winner - Gold Coast Science Competition
3. 2007 Aust Vocational Student Prize Award
4. 2007 Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence
5. Winner of school based Apprentice of the Year
6. 2007 Winner Science
Engineering Super Challenge - Griffith University
海伦兹维尔公立中学世界排名怎么样? 海伦兹维尔公立中学(Helensvale State High School)位于黄金海岸北端,建于1990年,学校充满活力,文化成就显著,机遇众多。拥有众多热情优秀的学生,这些学生又进一步强化了这一成就和机遇。专业员工和学校社区可帮助学生实现自己的愿望和梦想。 所获奖项 1. 2007 ABW Entrepreneur of the Year 2. Winner - Gold Coast Science Competition 3. 2007 Aust Vocational Student Prize Award 4. 2007 Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence 5. Winner of school based Apprentice of the Year 6. 2007 Winner Science Engineering Super Challenge - Griffith University
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