In class, she was an active participant, often raising incisive questions and providing solutions to problems. We often discussed new and more efficient solutions to a problem. Always actively participating in class, asking perceptive and challenging questions
In my numerous years of teaching experience rarely have I seen as talented or dedicated a student as Mr. Liu. I consider him my own source of inspiration.
As his advisor, I was immediately impressed by his enthusiasm and diligence towards his studies. Several times I would telephone him before seven in the morning, only to find his dormitory mates sleepily answering that he had left for his studies.
I first noticed Mr. Xie in 1999, when I gave a lecture to students majoring in microelectronics. At the end of the presentation Mr. Xie approached me and asked several perceptive and challenging questions, which demonstrated his vast background knowledge and swift grasp of the ideas I had expounded
To broaden his intellectual horizons, he has often asked me to introduce books and journals for him to read. Actually, he had borrowed so many books from my personal collection that he left quite a large part of my bookcase empty.
He would often sit within the first few rows, frequently raising questions and clarifying concepts that were unclear to him/I first became acquainted with Mr.Wang at my lecture, where he sat in the first row and impressed me with his full concentration and enthusiastic participation in class discussions
英国留学怎样写推荐信结尾? 在准备英国留学的时候,少不了要写推荐信的环节。但是很多同学容易犯忽视推荐信结尾的毛病,这样的后果就是给英国大学的招生老师留下很不好的印象。那怎样才能做到不虎头蛇尾的写推荐信呢 这里就从反面例子来讲解怎样写好推荐信的结尾。
1. 为了用事例说明被推荐人不断地汲取各种知识,很多推荐人都在推荐信中这样写道:我经常看见XXX在图书馆阅读各类专业图书和英语杂志。但是在图书馆学习是一个学生日常生活的一部分,正如一个司机在开车,一个农民在地里干活并不能说明他们与别的司机或者农民有什么不同,更不能说明有什么值得称道的。
Very often I find her reading concentratedly in the library with books or English periodicals in his hands.
2. 无数的推荐信都写被推荐人上课时积极表达自己的观点,下课后还继续与教师讨论学术问题,但是谈论什么问题,却总是没有具体的例子。如:
In class, she was an active participant, often raising incisive questions and providing solutions to problems. We often discussed new and more efficient solutions to a problem. Always actively participating in class, asking perceptive and challenging questions
3. 语言太夸张,完全失去了说服力。有的推荐信把被推荐人写的比推荐人水平还高。读完这样的推荐信,英国教授不禁要想,既然这位同学的水平如此之高,他就不需要再进修了。
In my numerous years of teaching experience rarely have I seen as talented or dedicated a student as Mr. Liu. I consider him my own source of inspiration.
As his advisor, I was immediately impressed by his enthusiasm and diligence towards his studies. Several times I would telephone him before seven in the morning, only to find his dormitory mates sleepily answering that he had left for his studies.
5. 很多同学找到自认为很有价值的推荐人写推荐信,但是他们以前并不相识或者熟悉,为了在信中制造一个他们相识的合理情况,他们都用同样的事例:被推荐人参加了推荐人的一次讲座,讲座结束或中间休息或上课时,被推荐人向推荐人提出了一些很有挑战性的问题,于是推荐人就对被推荐人留下了深刻的印象。同上面的例子一样,这样的事例缺乏真实性。教授们在讲座结束后往往只有几分钟的时间回答很多同学的提问,他不可能对某位同学留下特别的印象。即使是真实的,也因为太多的人这么写,失去了可信度。
I first noticed Mr. Xie in 1999, when I gave a lecture to students majoring in microelectronics. At the end of the presentation Mr. Xie approached me and asked several perceptive and challenging questions, which demonstrated his vast background knowledge and swift grasp of the ideas I had expounded
The first to arrive and the last to leave, she took pride in making sure that everything was in order and well maintained.
7. 为了说明被推荐人勤奋好学,推荐人经常在推荐信中写到这样的事实:被推荐人总是要求推荐人推荐一些相关的书籍,或是被推荐人向推荐人借书看。这样的事例太雷同了,缺乏独特性。
To broaden his intellectual horizons, he has often asked me to introduce books and journals for him to read. Actually, he had borrowed so many books from my personal collection that he left quite a large part of my bookcase empty.
8. 为了表明被推荐人学习态度端正,推荐人喜欢在推荐信中举例说明:他总是坐在教室的排听讲。这也不见得就是一种美德。坐在后面的同学都是不努力的吗?
He would often sit within the first few rows, frequently raising questions and clarifying concepts that were unclear to him/I first became acquainted with Mr.Wang at my lecture, where he sat in the first row and impressed me with his full concentration and enthusiastic participation in class discussions
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