
2021-11-30 17:45发布


1楼 · 2021-11-30 22:50.采纳回答

英国留学期间课程被fail了要怎么处理? 介绍说,今年,英国签证政策又是一大波调整,刚收到英国大学内部邮件,英国政府又将出台最新签证政策,内容摘录如下:   Dear all   As some of you already know, we were informed yesterday(means 24/09/2015) about a change in UKVI policy relating to students who have failed their studies in the UK and want to study with a different institute.   If a student fails a course at another institution in the UK, they only have 2 options:   1.Resit at the institution that they were already at   2.Return home and apply from overseas   This is quite different to what we have been doing and there are around 30 students who are affected by this. Not all students have had a CAS but some of them have. I am going to be communicating this news to them today.   Please make sure you take care in assessing future applications and ensure you obtain evidence that students have returned home before issuing a CAS.   Thank you.   Best wishes   邮件里很清晰地表达了:如果在英国的学习失败了,只有2个途径,要么在原学校重新读,要么只能回国来签证。   回国签证的前提是,有英国的学校能录取你,且你有新的CAS。   这个政策严格后,英国大学肯定会对fail过的学生发CAS十分谨慎,这个情况显而易见。   幸运的是,已有学生拿到新大学的CAS,明天的机票到中国,下周一签证。

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