报 名 费:288.9新币(≈人民币1,387元) 学费总计:6955新币(≈人民币33,384元) 费用详解: [ 新加坡智源教育学院 9个月课时 ] - 学费为新加坡币 $6,955.00元
杂费总计: 行政费150新币申请费:85.6新币医疗保险:42新币 Students are advised to prepare an amount of $2,150 for examination fees, books, uniform, internship admin fee (if applicable) as and when requires.
报 名 费:288.9新币(≈人民币1,387元) 学费总计:6955新币(≈人民币33,384元) 费用详解: [ 新加坡智源教育学院 9个月课时 ] - 学费为新加坡币 $6,955.00元 杂费总计: 行政费150新币申请费:85.6新币医疗保险:42新币 Students are advised to prepare an amount of $2,150 for examination fees, books, uniform, internship admin fee (if applicable) as and when requires.
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