加拿大阿尔伯塔大学Master of Design专业,语言不足6.5(6)请问可以申请语言双录取吗?

2022-06-10 08:30发布

加拿大阿尔伯塔大学Master of Design专业,语言不足6.5(6)请问可以申请语言双录取吗?

1楼 · 2022-06-12 09:50.采纳回答

加拿大阿尔伯塔大学Master of Design专业,语言不足6.5(6)请问可以申请语言双录取吗?

  “阿尔伯塔大学语言不足直接录取标准,可以申请语言双录取:最低语言限制如下:   The Extension English language option (EAP 550) can only be recommended for an applicant:   who has achieved the following minimum scores on the following English language examinations: TOEFL score of 530 (paper-based),   or a total score of 76 with a score of at least 18 on each of the individual skills areas (internet-based)   ; MELAB score of 83,   IELTS overall band score of 6.0 with at least a score of at least 5 on each test band,   CAEL score of 50 overall and 50 on each subtest;   or has successfully completed and passed EAP 140 through the Faculty of Extension at the University of Alberta.   托福76分,单项18,雅思6.0(5)是建议的最低语言分数。”

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