
2021-11-12 17:23发布


  在严格遵守疫情防控要求的前提下,学校在图书馆报告厅成功举办2020年来华留学生中秋节、国庆节联欢会。留学生中秋节歌曲怎么样呢?  中秋节  的中外歌曲,值得永久收藏哦。请在对比听歌中理解文化内涵,在对照鉴赏中体会各自文化的差异,在比较反思中吸取各自文化的精华,帮助我们及学生发展和塑造文化品格,形成正确的价值观和道德情感,成为有世界眼光、有家国情怀、有文化修养的人。  6  但愿人长久(双语歌词)  https://v.qq.com/x/page/b0551sw4c63.html ptag=qqbrowser  【听歌学词块】边听歌边找出歌词中关于月亮的描述词块,体会语言的魅力所在。  When did the bright moon come into existence?  明月几时有?  Raising my wine cup to ask the heavens this question.  把酒问青天。  Not knowing the celestial palace,  不知天上宫阙,  In there what year is it now?  今夕是何年?  I rode on the spring wind to return there,  我欲乘风归去,  Only fearing the magnificent buildings and the jade rooms.  唯恐琼楼玉宇。  Residing at those heights I could not bear the coldness,  高处不胜寒,  The dancing created pale shadows,  起舞弄清影。  How could this be found in the secular world?  何似在人间?  Circling the vermilion towers,  转朱阁,  Seeping through the silk-covered windows,  低绮户,  The moonlight illuminates those who are unable to sleep.  照无眠。  There should not have been any hatred,  不应有恨,  For what reason is the moon constantly full during times of departure?  何事长向别时圆?  People have sorrows and joys, departures and gatherings,  人有悲欢离合,  The moon has darkness and brightness, roundness and incompleteness,  月有阴晴圆缺,  These matters have been hard to reconcile since the ancient times.  此事古难全。  Wishing for an eternity for mankind,  但愿人长久,  For a thousand miles the moon shows all its beauty.  千里共婶娟。  7  月光(双语歌词)  The moonlight's glow, a woman's fragrance,  月光色,女子香,  A sword named Broken Tears, how long-lasting are the emotions!  泪断剑,情多长。  How much pain, there are no words to describe it, forgetting all memories of you.  有多痛,无字想,忘了你。  A lonely soul, drifting along with the wind,  孤单魂随风荡,  Who is going to smile at the infatuated youth?  谁去笑痴情郎?  The battlefield of this mortal world,  这红尘的战场,  A thousand armies and ten thousand horses, who will be made king?  千军万马,有谁能称王?  To pass the Gate of Love, who dares to lead the charge?  过情关,谁敢闯?  Gazing at the bright moon, the heart is desolate.  望明月,心悲凉。  An ancient sorrow, the eternal cycle of birth and death repeats again.  千古恨,轮回尝。  Shutting one's eyes, who had been the most mad?  眼一闭,谁最狂?  This world’s constant changes destined those who dared to love to a lifetime of grief.  这世道的无常注定敢爱的人一生伤。  相信大家已经了解了留学生中秋节歌曲怎么样呢?想要参加在职研究生的学习就可以联系在线客服,大家有任何关于在职研究生的问题都可以进行咨询。



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