3、Architecture \ Automation Engineering \ Industrial Engineering \ Management \Materials Engineering 语言要求: IELTS 6.5\ TOEFL 92
4、Bioengineering \ Electrical Engineering \ Information Technology \Science and Engineering 语言要求:IELTS 6.0 \TOEFL 79
5、推荐信2封:申请Electrical Engineering 或Information Technology 需要使用专业提供链接的推荐信样版,其他的free。
7、You must complete all the required fields of the application form in one sitting. You cannot save your answers and return to them later on. 填写申请表格时,要求一次填写完成,不可保存及返回修改。这个要求属实不常见。
坦佩雷理工大学申请要求: 1、大四在读可申 2、可申3个专业,但必须有priority 3、Architecture \ Automation Engineering \ Industrial Engineering \ Management \Materials Engineering 语言要求: IELTS 6.5\ TOEFL 92 4、Bioengineering \ Electrical Engineering \ Information Technology \Science and Engineering 语言要求:IELTS 6.0 \TOEFL 79 5、推荐信2封:申请Electrical Engineering 或Information Technology 需要使用专业提供链接的推荐信样版,其他的free。 6、Architecture:需作品集及一个2分钟时长的VIDEO介绍自己及作品,VIDEO工具由学校链接提供。 7、You must complete all the required fields of the application form in one sitting. You cannot save your answers and return to them later on. 填写申请表格时,要求一次填写完成,不可保存及返回修改。这个要求属实不常见。
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