
2022-05-10 06:30发布


1楼 · 2022-05-12 09:50.采纳回答


是的,你可以看下下面的要求 Top-up scholarships of up to $10,000 per year available for PhD students in molecular microbial ecology Two PhD projects are available at the Centre for Marine Bio-Innovation (CMB) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia. The CMB undertakes leading research into how microorganisms support the function and health of higher marine organisms, such as sponges. Our recent work has discovered novel molecular factors (so called ELPs) that bacterial symbionts use to control their interaction with eukaryotic cells (see Reynolds & Thomas Molecular Ecology 2016) and we have shown that these ELPs are highly expressed in sponges (Diez-Vives et al., Molecular Ecology 2017). We have recently received funding to expand this exciting research and now offer two PhD projects: Project 1: Determine the environmental factors that control ELP expression and how this influence the symbiosis Project 2: Use ELPs as a tool to create artificial symbioses between bacterial and eukaryotic cells

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