
2022-01-05 11:50发布


1楼 · 2022-01-05 18:55.采纳回答

出国留学面试一般会问些什么问题? 你指的是使馆的面签么? 如果是,大概会问这些问题! What is your future plan /What will do after graation? What is you plan after you come back to China,for example,find a high salary? Would you come back after graation? What degree do you intend to achieve after graation? Will you want to immigrate to ...?/Will you want to settle in ...? After graation,will you plan to find a job in ...? Please give me three reasons that you will come back to China. Can you explain why 90% of Chinese students didn\'t come back? In ...,you will earn much more money than in China,then,why do you say you will go back to China? If a company wants to hire you after graation,would you come? What do you think your future position after you study? And what do you think your future salary? 另外告诉你一些技巧,希望能帮到你! 需要注意的是,你必须向签证官证明拥有足够资金或其他支付费用,证明学成后,有社会的、经济的和其他联系可迫使你离开该国。

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