
2021-11-23 17:45发布


1楼 · 2021-11-23 22:50.采纳回答

学习成本最高的15所英国大学,“贵”服! 出国留学,去往英国留学,学习成本最高的15所英国大学,贵服!  日前,BUSINESS INSIDER网站发布The 15 most expensive universities to study at in Britain(在英国学习最昂贵的15所英国大学),你的dream school多少钱   虽然所有的英国大学都宣称所在地的生活住宿很便宜,但是全国各地的学生用大学经验告诉我们每年超过20,000。Gocompare.com开发了一个工具,通过比较学费,餐饮费用,大学体育馆会员,学术书籍,社会支出,甚至洗衣服,显示在英国大学学习一年的平均成本。使用这些数据,找到了在英国学习成本最高的15所英国大学。  1、摄政大学(Regent&s University)  所在地:London  tuition fee:16400 per year  average total cost of a year of studying:38,854 per year  2、伦敦皇家音乐学院(Royal College of Music)  所在地:London  tuition fee:9250per year  average total cost of a year of studying:26,518 per year  3、伦敦艺术大学(University of the Arts)  所在地:London  tuition fee:9250per year  average total cost of a year of studying:25,776 per year  4、伦敦大学学院(University College London)  所在地:London  tuition fee:9250per year  average total cost of a year of studying:25,664 per year  5、伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics and Political Science)  所在地:London  tuition fee:9250per year  average total cost of a year of studying:25,546  6、牛津大学(University of Oxford)  所在地:Oxford  tuition fee:9250per year  average total cost of a year of studying:24,760 per year  7、伦敦城市大学(City University London)  所在地:London  tuition fee:9250per year  average total cost of a year of studying:24,468 per year  8、牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes University)  所在地:Oxford  tuition fee:9250per year  average total cost of a year of studying:24,450 per year  9、皇家音乐学院(Royal Academy of Music)  所在地:London  tuition fee:9250per year  average total cost of a year of studying:24,312 per year  10、帝国理工学院(Imperial CollegeLondon)  所在地:London  tuition fee:9250per year  average total cost of a year of studying:24,180 per year  11、伦敦大学亚非学院(School of Oriental and African Studies)  所在地:London  average total cost of a year of studying:23,996 per year  12、密德萨斯大学(Middlesex University)  所在地:London  average total cost of a year of studying:23,040 per year  13、伦敦都市大学(London Metropolitan University)  所在地:London  average total cost of a year of studying:23,000 per year  14、威斯敏斯特大学(University of Westminster)  所在地:London  average total cost of a year of studying:22,810 per year  15、利兹贝克特大学(Leeds Beckett University)  所在地:Leeds  average total cost of a year of studying:22,330 per year

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