2021-12-23 12:50发布
你好,上个月刚收到上学年所住公寓押金的退还,自我感觉清理得很干净的单人间被扣除了7$的各种费用,请问这合理吗?我有什么办法可以要回被扣的押金吗? 您需要回去查看并仔细阅读与学校公寓签订的租约,仔细看一下押金返还部分是如何描述的。如果学校公寓在无理扣款,您可以选择状告学校公寓。It is a matter of judgment. Check the lease and see what it says regarding the deposit. If they are being unreasonable, you can sue but it may cost more than you lost unless there is an attorneys fee provision in the lease.
你好,上个月刚收到上学年所住公寓押金的退还,自我感觉清理得很干净的单人间被扣除了7$的各种费用,请问这合理吗?我有什么办法可以要回被扣的押金吗? 您需要回去查看并仔细阅读与学校公寓签订的租约,仔细看一下押金返还部分是如何描述的。如果学校公寓在无理扣款,您可以选择状告学校公寓。
It is a matter of judgment. Check the lease and see what it says regarding the deposit. If they are being unreasonable, you can sue but it may cost more than you lost unless there is an attorneys fee provision in the lease.
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