亲爱的小纽你好,我有几个关于L1 extension的问题想向你请教一下。
申请L1 需要递交129表格,并且您需要递交以下材料: 1.Purchase orders, contracts or other evidence of commercial activity 2.Payroll records for employees hired 3.Bank statements 4.Financial reporting documents showing monthly income 5.Continued venture capital or other third party investment contribution based on achieved milestones 6.Media coverage of the business 7.Position descriptions providing the roles and responsibilities of all current employees, or other evidence which clearly demonstrates how the manager or executive is relieved of non-qualifying duties
亲爱的小纽你好,我有几个关于L1 extension的问题想向你请教一下。 申请L1 需要递交129表格,并且您需要递交以下材料:
1.Purchase orders, contracts or other evidence of commercial activity
2.Payroll records for employees hired
3.Bank statements
4.Financial reporting documents showing monthly income
5.Continued venture capital or other third party investment contribution based on achieved milestones
6.Media coverage of the business
7.Position descriptions providing the roles and responsibilities of all current employees, or other evidence which clearly demonstrates how the manager or executive is relieved of non-qualifying duties
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