
2021-11-23 17:45发布


1楼 · 2021-11-23 22:50.采纳回答

悉尼科技大学奖学金及申请攻略如何? 1 悉尼科技大学设施简介  悉尼科技大学现有“the Blake Library”(City Campus)和“the George Muir Library”(Kuring-gai Campus)两所校园图书馆,收藏了大量图书、期刊、学位论文等信息资源,为全校师生教学、研究提供便利的信息服务。图书馆馆藏由印刷资料和电子资源两部分组成,共有超过74万册图书、期刊和视听资料收藏在两个校园图书馆,另有2.5万份电子期刊和3.5万本电子图书。图书馆目录信息与数据库资源24小时全天候对师生开放,可以在世界各地随时登陆图书馆网站查找所需的文献,并直接查看网络全文电子资源。对于图书馆没有收藏的所需资源,可以在网上提交预约申请。  2 悉尼科技大学奖学金介绍  澳大利亚悉尼科技大学Engineering and Information Technology院系针对2015年2月开课推出奖学金计划,详细如下:  金额:最高5000澳币  申请条件:学生符合入读要求且拿到full offer或者已经接受offer  奖学金分为以下5种:  1. Engineering International Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship  2. Information Technology International Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship  3. Engineering (Management) Masters Scholarship for Outstanding International Students  4. Engineering (Technical) Masters Scholarship for Outstanding International Students  5. Information Technology Masters Scholarship for Outstanding International Students  3 悉尼科技大学奖学金申请条件及方式  申请条件:学生符合入读要求且拿到full offer或者已经接受offer  奖学金分为以下5种:  1. Engineering International Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship  适用于以下课程:  -Bachelor of Engineering (Advanced), (course code C09066)  -Bachelor of Engineering (Advanced),  -Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice (course code C09067)  2. Information Technology International Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship  适用于以下课程  -Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, (course code C10148)  -Bachelor of Science in Information Technology  -Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice (course code C10345)  3. Engineering (Management) Masters Scholarship for Outstanding International Students  适用于以下课程  -Master of Engineering Management (course code C04275)  -Master of Environment Engineering Management (course code C04272)  4. Engineering (Technical) Masters Scholarship for Outstanding International Students  适用于以下课程  -Master of Engineering (course code C04271)  -Master of Engineering (Extension) (course code C04277)  5. Information Technology Masters Scholarship for Outstanding International Students  适用于以下课程:  -Master of Information Technology, (course code C04295)  -Master of Information Technology (Extension) (course code C04296)  -Master of Science in Internetworking (course code C04160)  -Master of Science in Internetworking (Extension) (course code C04224)  4 悉尼科技大学知名校友  著名校友:  Michael Cook, CEO of Macquarie Capital Alliance Group - part of Macquarie Bank; NSWIT - Bachelor of business studies (accounting)  Anna Funder, author of Stasiland; Faculty of Humanities - Master‘s degree in creative writing  Morris Iemma, politician and premier of NSW; Faculty of Law - Master’s degree in law  Hugh Jackman, actor; Faculty of Humanities - Bachelor‘s degree in communications (journalism)  Hon. Justice Tricia Kavanagh, NSW Industrial Relations Commissioner; Faculty of Law - Bachelor’s degree in law (1981), Doctor of Philosophy in law (1998)  Christian Kent, former Chairman of Chaser Corporation; Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences - Bachelor‘s degree in applied science (computing)  David Murray, former CEO of the Commonwealth Bank; Faculty of Business - Bachelor’s degree in business (accounting)  Tim Palmer, award-winning ABC journalist; Faculty of Humanities - Bachelor‘s degree in communications 1991  Tanya Plibersek, politician; Faculty of Humanities - Bachelor’s degree  Julia Wilson, rower; Faculty of Business - Bachelor‘s degree  Tiffany Suk, Famous fashion designer- Bachelor’s degree  朱大可,同济大学文化批评研究所教授,哲学博士  杨恒均,著名的时事评论家、学者,博士  林杰,国际法学者,国际法硕士

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