
2021-12-09 17:45发布



2021-12-09 22:50 .采纳回答

瑞典这三所大学 University of SkvdeSkvde 舍夫德大学University of Skvde, P.O. Box 408, SE-541 28 Skvde, SWEDEN, Phone: +46 500-448000, Fax: +46 500-416325, info@his.seThe University College of Skvde or Hgskolan i Skvde (HS) is a university college in Skvde, Sweden. It has approximately 8300 students. Lecturers 340, administration 100 persons (march 2007). The university of applied sciences is structured in three branches: * Institutionen fr Kommunikation och Information (informatics, languages, humanities, pedagogy and computer related pedagogy) * Institutionen fr Teknik och Samhälle (mechanical engineering, economics, social sciences, management studies) * Institutionen fr Vård och Natur (health services, natural science)HS was established in 1977. The campus is located alongside the Gteborgs-Stokholm railway, near the center of Skvde.Halmstad UniversityHalmstad哈勒姆斯塔德大学The University College of Halmstad (Swedish: Hgskolan i Halmstad) is a university college located in Halmstad, Sweden. It has approximately 7000 students.Most of the study programmes leads to either a Bachelor's or Master's degree. The university has well-developed research environments, most with a unique national or international profile.瑞典西部大学(UNIVERSITY WEST)位于瑞典西部,校园分别 位于特洛拉坦、乌德瓦拉和维纳什堡三个城市。是由特洛拉坦学院和乌德瓦拉学院(University College of Trollhättan/Uddevalla)合并,特洛拉坦市是瑞典汽车和航空业的基地,有世界著名的萨伯公司和沃尔沃汽车公司。另外,这里也是电影基地,很多著名的影星如尼克基德曼都曾在这里拍摄影片。而乌德瓦拉瓦拉是瑞典的IT中心和造船中心。维纳什堡也有瑞典的“小巴黎”之称.University of Skövde Skövde 舍夫德大学 University of Skövde, P.O. Box 408, SE-541 28 Skövde, SWEDEN, Phone: +46 500-448000, Fax: +46 500-416325, info@his.se The University College of Skövde or Högskolan i Skövde (HS) is a university college in Skövde, Sweden. It has approximately 8300 students. Lecturers 340, administration 100 persons (march 2007). The university of applied sciences is structured in three branches: * Institutionen för Kommunikation och Information (informatics, languages, humanities, pedagogy and computer related pedagogy) * Institutionen för Teknik och Samhälle (mechanical engineering, economics, social sciences, management studies) * Institutionen för Vård och Natur (health services, natural science) HS was established in 1977. The campus is located alongside the Göteborgs-Stokholm railway, near the center of Skövde. Halmstad University Halmstad哈勒姆斯塔德大学 The University College of Halmstad (Swedish: Högskolan i Halmstad) is a university college located in Halmstad, Sweden. It has approximately 7000 students. Most of the study programmes leads to either a Bachelor's or Master's degree. The university has well-developed research environments, most with a unique national or international profile. 瑞典西部大学(UNIVERSITY WEST) 位于瑞典西部,校园分别 位于特洛拉坦、乌德瓦拉和维纳什堡三个城市。是由特洛拉坦学院和乌德瓦拉学院(University College of Trollhättan/Uddevalla)合并,特洛拉坦市是瑞典汽车和航空业的基地,有世界著名的萨伯公司和沃尔沃汽车公司。另外,这里也是电影基地,很多著名的影星如尼克基德曼都曾在这里拍摄影片。而乌德瓦拉瓦拉是瑞典的IT中心和造船中心。维纳什堡也有瑞典的“小巴黎”之称.你可以去读 Performance Management (业绩管理), 或是 Business Analysis (商务分析), 相对来说稍容易些有毅力和用心读就一定好读,如果只是想去混本子,那就不好读

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