宾夕法尼亚大学通过Common Application系统申请,8月1日开放申请,不需要指定专业和学院,学生一般读完大二才需要选择自己感兴趣的专业。
●普通申请表及补充申请表(Common Application and the Penn Writing Supplement)
●申请费($75 Application Fee or Fee Waiver)
●教师推荐信(Two Teacher Recommendations)
●高中正式成绩单(School Report (includes Transcript and Counselor Recommendation)):包含学校大致介绍、所修课程及计分方式,必须由学校上传
●标准考试成绩(Standardized test results, including either)
●SAT/ACT成绩单(the SAT and Two SAT Subject Tests or the ACT Plus Writing Test)
●期中考试报告(Mid-Year Report (due when first semester or trimester senior grades become available at your school))
注:申请ED的学生需签署一份ED协议书(Early Decision Agreement)。
宾夕法尼亚大学通过Common Application系统申请,8月1日开放申请,不需要指定专业和学院,学生一般读完大二才需要选择自己感兴趣的专业。 宾夕法尼亚大学申请材料清单如下: ●普通申请表及补充申请表(Common Application and the Penn Writing Supplement) ●申请费($75 Application Fee or Fee Waiver) ●教师推荐信(Two Teacher Recommendations) ●高中正式成绩单(School Report (includes Transcript and Counselor Recommendation)):包含学校大致介绍、所修课程及计分方式,必须由学校上传 ●标准考试成绩(Standardized test results, including either) ●SAT/ACT成绩单(the SAT and Two SAT Subject Tests or the ACT Plus Writing Test) ●期中考试报告(Mid-Year Report (due when first semester or trimester senior grades become available at your school)) ●个人作品:申请视觉艺术、音乐、数字媒体设计、建筑学专业的学生需提供个人作品,所有的作品需通过“SlideRoom”在线上传 注:申请ED的学生需签署一份ED协议书(Early Decision Agreement)。
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