Your rights are governed by the terms of your agreement. Since it appears you do not have a written agreement, you will need to prove the agreement with testimony from witnesses including yourself. You might start by sending a written demand for a reasonable settlement of a return of part of your payment. If that fails, you will have to sue.
我自付费修车3231刀 但是修车的人不仅没给我任何收据 连承诺的安全气囊都没修好 您在这件事的权益中主要体现在您与修车行的书面合约中,但是听上去您好像没有任何的合约。您可以尝试以书面的demand note来试图与该修车行来和解,并要回部分的款项,如果失败了,您可能就要通过起诉的方式来维护自己的权益了
Your rights are governed by the terms of your agreement. Since it appears you do not have a written agreement, you will need to prove the agreement with testimony from witnesses including yourself. You might start by sending a written demand for a reasonable settlement of a return of part of your payment. If that fails, you will have to sue.
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