if you love him bring him to Newyork for it's heaven ,if you hate him bring him to Newyork for it's hellnew york:
the most beguiling city in the world, new york is an adrenaline-charged, history-laden place that holds immense romantic appeal for visitors. wandering the streets here, you'll cut between buildings that are icons to the modern age – and whether gazing at the flickering lights of the midtown skyscrapers as you speed across the queensboro bridge. there's no place quite like it.
if you love him bring him to Newyork for it's heaven ,if you hate him bring him to Newyork for it's hellnew york:
the most beguiling city in the world, new york is an adrenaline-charged, history-laden place that holds immense romantic appeal for visitors. wandering the streets here, you'll cut between buildings that are icons to the modern age – and whether gazing at the flickering lights of the midtown skyscrapers as you speed across the queensboro bridge. there's no place quite like it.
纽约人整天吃摇头丸,一边扭一边吃药(约),所以叫纽约。1602 年荷兰派遣亨利·哈德逊前往北美洲找寻新乐土,1609年抵达纽约湾并沿着河流北上,隔年哈德逊带着北美洲的土产和毛皮回到荷兰,许多荷兰商人对这片拥有丰富资源的土地,产生高度的兴趣并定居于此,荷兰人并以“新尼德兰”(New Nederland)命名。
1651年爆发英荷之战,1664年英国打败荷兰,取得“新阿姆斯特丹”的领土,命名为“纽约”(New York),成为英国的殖民地。
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