英语语言要求:雅思6.0 或托福78分,雅思写作和阅读小分成绩最少5.5分
LDRS 300 Leadership Theoryand Practice
LDRS 301 Lifelong Learning Strategies in Leadership
LDRS 302 Historical Concepts and Theories in Leadership
LDRS 303 Contemporary and Popular Approaches in Leadership
LDRS 310 The Learning Organization
LDRS 320 Ethical Decision Making
LDRS 330 Leadership in Organizations and Small Groups
LDRS 240 Book Study on Leadership
LDRS 400 Negotiation & Conflict Resolution
LDRS 410 Methods and Mediums of Persuasion & Positive Influence
LDRS 420 Leading Change
LDRS 433 Building Leaders: Resilience in Leadership
LDRS 440 Developing Administrative Competence
LDRS 475 Christianity and Culture
LDRS 490 Personhood – Final Capstone Course
WRTG 101 (3SH) Writing and Culture
ENGL 101 (3SH) Introduction toWriting
POLS 1xx (3SH) Intro. to Political Science
COMM 3xx (3SH) Communication relatedcourse
PHIL 210 (3SH) Contemporary EthicalIssues
SOCI 221 (3SH) Marriage and Family
入学条件 国内高中毕业,高中成绩不能低于68% 英语语言要求:雅思6.0 或托福78分,雅思写作和阅读小分成绩最少5.5分 有条件录取:零语言成绩双录取,在TWU内部修读语言学校ESL课程 ESL一共五级,学生来加拿大后有大学语言考试,根据成绩分级 领导力管理本科学位课程设置 LEADERSHIP COURSES(必修课): LDRS 300 Leadership Theoryand Practice LDRS 301 Lifelong Learning Strategies in Leadership LDRS 302 Historical Concepts and Theories in Leadership LDRS 303 Contemporary and Popular Approaches in Leadership LDRS 310 The Learning Organization LDRS 320 Ethical Decision Making LDRS 330 Leadership in Organizations and Small Groups LDRS 240 Book Study on Leadership LDRS 400 Negotiation & Conflict Resolution LDRS 410 Methods and Mediums of Persuasion & Positive Influence LDRS 420 Leading Change LDRS 433 Building Leaders: Resilience in Leadership LDRS 440 Developing Administrative Competence LDRS 475 Christianity and Culture LDRS 490 Personhood – Final Capstone Course ELECTIVES (选修课): WRTG 101 (3SH) Writing and Culture ENGL 101 (3SH) Introduction toWriting POLS 1xx (3SH) Intro. to Political Science COMM 3xx (3SH) Communication relatedcourse PHIL 210 (3SH) Contemporary EthicalIssues SOCI 221 (3SH) Marriage and Family
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